SHEWWW!!! now that I got that out, I can tell you about my day.
I was quite worried about the lab that i had at 8 this morning, but it turned out not to be too bad i just had to sit there and listen to people tell me about things that i couldn't care less about. Could have been significantly worse. And I had a Lions club meeting today that went well and i think i may actually be volunteering to read to children even though i am not a fan of small children. Baby steps to change, I am trying to get to where i like them. We shall see.
I also am starting to understand what it feels like to be taken advantage of in the academic world. Which is new for me. I have never had to deal with people who used me for work before. And i have to say i dislike it Immensely.
I Burned my tongue on Hot Tea from Starbucks ( Hence the title). But it was sooo worth it.
The good news is, i saw a lot of attractive guys today and i actually looked cute for a change.
So , Lets just talk about T-Swift for a minute. Her new song.... AWESOME!