Thursday, September 27, 2012

Vanilla Rooibos Burns

Sometimes I wonder...
            it is funny to me the way people act. I know i am not the most consistant person when it comes to my mood or how i feel about things. ( as you can see from my previous post). But I generally feel the need to be nice to people unless i specifically do not like them. But even then i am normally still nice at least to their face because i do NOT like conflict. But i have come to realize that not everyone feels the same way about this as I do. The world would be a much less mean place if everyone would just chill out and stop overreacting to every little thing.

SHEWWW!!! now that I got that out, I can tell you about my day.

I was quite worried about the lab that i had at 8 this morning, but it turned out not to be too bad i just had to sit there and listen to people tell me about things that i couldn't care less about. Could have been significantly worse. And I had a Lions club meeting today that went well and i think i may actually be volunteering to read to children even though i am not a fan of small children. Baby steps to change, I am trying to get to where i like them. We shall see.

I also am starting to understand what it feels like to be taken advantage of in the academic world. Which is new for me. I have never had to deal with people who used me for work before. And i have to say i dislike it Immensely.

I Burned my tongue on Hot Tea from Starbucks ( Hence the title). But it was sooo worth it.

So what do you do when you want to punch someone in the face but you can't because you have to see them everyday? That is a good question... I dont know... I am just going to pray for patience and calmness because anger doesn't solve anything. Even though it is so consuming. I need to take a lesson from Doctor who... Violence doesn't end violence it Extends it.

The good news is, i saw a lot of attractive guys today and i actually looked cute for a change.

So , Lets just talk about T-Swift for a minute. Her new song.... AWESOME!

....Nuff Said! This is what i am waiting For.

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